Professional laser hair removal equipment (Part 1)

Professional laser hair removal equipment

There are many different methods of hair removal, but unfortunately, the majority of them are extremely painful, or provide very short-term effect. To solve these problems will help modern and effective way to remove unwanted hair - IPL hair removal.

The newest methods of hair removal

IPL hair removal - is the last word in the field of cosmetic medicine and the most modern way of hair removal to date. This type of hair removal is safe and suitable for any skin type and hair color. IPL hair removal effect is achieved due to the impact on the hair follicle combined flows of bipolar radio frequency optical energy (IPL or laser) .hair removal is based on laser hair removal technology, which is highly effective.

Laser hair removal technology has passed a lot of clinical trials and has successfully established itself as the ideal way to solve the problem of unwanted hair growth. Thanks laser hair removal can be achieved complete cessation of hair growth or a significant reduction in their growth.laser hair removal efficiency was confirmed in practice on all continents and with any type of skin. When one procedure laser hair removal are destroyed only those hair follicles that are in the anagen phase. To achieve the best and lasting effect, hair removal should be done 6-8 times every 1.5-3 months (individually).

Professional laser hair removal equipment 

The number of required procedures epilation determined depending on the type and color of the hair. When using laser hair removal hair follicles are destroyed only when this skin is not exposed to overheating, which can cause burns, as under the influence of only one source of light (IPL or laser).

Are you interested in laser device for hair removal? You can buy it for the professional beauty salon - This appliance is not intended for home use. 

Laser hair removal has established itself as the most optimal technology hair removal.Laser hair removal has become popular throughout the world, as it is completely safe and Effectiveness procedure to get rid of unwanted hair growth. Before performing hair removal you should view the dermatologist to determine skin type, hair color and eliminate the possibility of an allergic reaction.

According to the testimony of the doctor, for you will be assigned an individual program laser hair removal . During epilation session occurs automatically and continuously monitoring skin impedance measured skin impedance (change in temperature), depending on the intensity of this change. Epilation allows to monitor the status of the patient during the procedure. Parameters for IPL hair removal are chosen depending on your individual physiological characteristics. With the help of laser hair removal, unlike conventional photo hair removal or laser can remove even very light and thin hair on dark skin.

With the passage of laser hair removal there are a number of contraindications such as pregnancy, hyperthermia, cancer, allergy to light or the sun, and some others.


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