Laser hair surgery

Laser hair surgery

    Laser hair removal - it is one of the most advanced to date methods for removing unwanted hair on the body and face. This is a completely painless method, which is carried out by irradiation with laser hair sections.It is worth noting that even laser hair removal does not guarantee you eternal deliverance from the hair. But for best results, you need not one, but several treatments hair removal.

How does laser hair removal method?

   The effect of laser hair removal, as well as hair removal is based on the irradiation of the hair follicles laser flash. The principle of laser hair removal was based on the following observation: people who live closer to the south, the growth rate of hair above. But only to a certain level.

For example, men who live on the equator, there is not even a mustache and beard. Thus, the visible light can both stimulate and stop hair growth. And noticed that the darker the hair, the better they perceive light.

laser hair surgery

The laser beam is absorbed by the melanin - the dark pigment, which is in the skin. It is heated and as a result is the destruction of hair follicles.
After laser irradiation, high-intensity hair growth stops. Hair thus fall within 10- 14 days. Since hair growth takes place in several stages, and different hair may be at different stages of their development, requires multiple sessions of laser irradiation for a complete result.

Laser hair removal has made literally revolutionized the hair removal. This type of hair removal is a so-called hair removal, hair removal is performed when using the effect of light on the hair follicles. In a relatively short time, laser hair removal has gained popularity among women around the world. And if before laser hair removal is recommended only for women with fair skin, then the power of modern lasers removes all types of hair.

Laser hair removal - is a completely painless procedure. A single pulse laser irradiation can be treated from 100 to 200 square meters. mm, which makes it quite quickly process a large area of ​​the body or face.

One of the most effective types of laser which is used for the laser epilation, laser hair removal. Clinical research and practice of laser hair removal shows good efficacy and long lasting result of this technique. Just two laser hair removal treatments this kind of laser allows for 80% reduction in the amount of hair in six months. Residual hair after laser hair removal are usually much lighter and thinner.

It is worth noting that the effect is achieved faster in people with dark hair. People with fair hair may take a little more sessions of laser hair removal.

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