Laser hair removal: how to get rid of hair permanently
Laser hair Removal smooth, silky skin of the body - the dream of every woman. Removal of excess hair - one of the first steps toward this dream. Easily get rid of unwanted hair, you can use laser hair removal is a technique that allows you to remove hair completely. Modern beauty salon offers to clients several varieties of hair removal, the choice of one or another depends on individual preferences and characteristics of hair.
Hair removal using a laser
Laser hair removal - one of the most popular ways to remove unwanted hair. The essence of this procedure is that the follicle exposed to a laser beam, whereby it is destroyed, and hair growth ceases. Thanks to several procedures using laser can say goodbye to the vegetation on the hands, feet, face and bikini forever.
Those who dared to laser treatments, you need to know some of the features of this method.
Firstly, the laser operates only on dark hair, and so-called "fluff" it unfortunately does not clean. The reason is that the dark hair melanin much higher level, namely because it absorbs energy of the laser beam, and the follicle collapses.
Second, laser removal of excess vegetation is quite expensive if you plan to work with large areas of the body.
Laser hair removal |
Epilation, or, in other words, hair removal using light appeared in beauty salons about 10 years ago and today is one of the most common procedures. Her feature - the use of powerful pulses of light that penetrate deep into the follicle and destroys it. Like laser hair removal, photo-epilation is more suitable for natural brunettes.
For a complete destruction of hair will need more than 5 procedures, which are first carried out regularly once a month, and then - even rarer. The cost of one procedure varies depending on the area of the body: face. As for laser hair removal treatments for light straight contraindications include skin diseases, especially if they are in the acute phase, and before the session is not recommended to sunbathe.
Laser hair removal
The invention laser hair removal has become a real breakthrough in the world of beauty. This technique combines the best qualities of photographic and electrolysis, and at the same time, it lacks many of the disadvantages of other methods. This method is based on the simultaneous effect on the hair follicle and light electrical energy. Huge plus laser hair removal is its versatility: it does not cause any discomfort and even suitable for allergy sufferers, it is often recommended for the removal of vegetation in the bikini area, because there is the pain threshold of the skin is usually very low.
To completely remove the hair in a particular area of the body have to visit a salon from 5 to 10 times, while the entire course will be about six months, with breaks in 1.5-2 months. Cost laser procedure is quite high.
A huge plus in the beauty salon hair removal is that of unwanted vegetation on the body can get rid once and for all and do not torture yourself with razors and wax treatments. Hair removal using modern techniques - a quick and easy way to improve your body, to feel sexy and irresistible.
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