Laser hair removal risks

Laser hair removal risks

With the advent of laser hair removal new concept won the desire of many women and is attracting more and more attention from men. This new method, unlike traditional reaches the final result, but not always justify the expectation awaited. Experts insist that if hair removal should be performed by experienced and trained professionals who pre-warn you of some of the expected risks.

In principle, "the greatest risk of the laser - burns and skin color changes, that is, may appear dark or bright spots (hyper or hypopigmentation)," says Sofia Ruiz del Cueto, a member of the Spanish Society of Aesthetic Medicine (Sema).

Besides these possible side effects, there may be some extreme reaction to any anesthetic used for some patients to reduce the discomfort of epilation. Juan Ruiz Alconera of Medical Corporation hair, explains that "sometimes the potential risks associated with the use of large areas of anesthetic reaching the blood, but it happens very rarely."

Laser hair removal risks

What is interesting, it is described as methemoglobinemia, a condition where the hemoglobin loses its ability to carry oxygen to the tissues. It may be hereditary or caused by toxic substances such as anesthetics containing lidocaine, benzocaine, prilocaine.

Journal "Clinical Medicine" for July 2008 reported the case of 23-year-old woman who after applying anesthetic cream on your feet after a session of laser hair removal, began to show very specific symptoms of methemoglobinemia: dizziness, drowsiness, slurred and slow speech.

The same thing happened recently with the 30-year-old man who used an anesthetic cream before waxing. After the victim began to make strange noises, convulsing and there was blue skin (a common symptom in these cases). I had to deliver it to the hospital for proper treatment, wrote about it on his blog Dr. Julio Bonis, family doctor from Madrid.

So prior to laser hair removal should carefully examine the institution where you are going to do it. Many salon laser hair removal relates to quality interiors specialists out there who know their business.

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