Most effective laser hair removal (Part 2)

Most effective laser hair removal (Part 2)

What are the difference lasers of different manufacturers' and what is the most effective?

By the efficiency lasers for hair removal (Ruby, Diode, Alu-garnet) are virtually identical. Distinctive their scope and range of side effects: ruby laser - can be used in patients I-II skin type, patients III-IV types increases the risk of hypopigmentation.

Laser hair removal allows removing hair without complications in patient’s type’s I-III skin, IV-VI - as ruby and can promote the loss of pigment in the skin. Aluminum-Garnet - highly blacks (although the risk of side effects is large enough). Diode lasers can be applied in patient’s type’s I-VI skin but, due to the rather short period of their existence in the market of the entire spectrum of side effects is not known.

In addition to determining the type of laser that best suits your skin is very important to know the diameter of the pulse (beam). The diameter of the beam depends on the penetration depth in the tissue and energy efficiency, respectively.

Most effective laser hair removal

If it is less than 10 mm - a procedure can not start because it will be ineffective. The largest diameter of the pulse available today - 18mm, but 12 and 15 mm are acceptable. Equally important is the cooling system of the skin - if it is not enough - dramatically increases the risk of side effects. Recognized as the most effective dynamic cooling cladodes whose parameters are adjusted depending on the pulse power? And perhaps most important - is that in whose hands is the laser, since the work of the laser equipment is more art than medicine, and on how experienced and well trained physician depends on the ultimate success of the procedure.

Do patients that the laser does not work?

Of course there is. The laser cannot remove either light or gray hair, since no target cells (containing melanin) which can absorb the laser energy and consequently, stop the growth of hair.

Does laser hair removal with ingrown hair?

This is the most effective treatment for ingrown hairs, already several procedures can dramatically change the condition and appearance of the patient. Laser hair removal is also highly effective in patients suffering from skin irritation after any impact.

Does laser removes vellus hair?

No, it does not delete. And it's very good, because hair on the body also has its own function and vellus hair continues to perform it.

What are the long-term results?

The longest (3.5 years) lasers used for hair removal in the United States. During this time (to the American Academy), a case of malignant transformation or vital complications were noted.

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