Laser hair removal faq (Part 3)

Laser hair removal faq

  9. Question: If you start laser hair removal in December, you warrant to complete cessation of growth of hair in the bikini area and legs to fly?

Answer: Yes, the result is very good, legs hair growth stops, and in the bikini area can stay single, colorless vellus hairs, if you want to continue epilation after summer vacation, then vellus hairs cease to bother you. The average rate on the foot designed for laser hair removal sessions 5-7, and in the bikini area 6-8 sessions with an interval of 5 weeks.

    10. Question: I am 18 years old, not the upper lip with me 12 years disturb dark hair, at the moment I do periodically waxing, but from her lip hair becomes thicker and darker still. Can you help me?

Answer: Yes, of course. Laser hair removal is very good stops the growth of hair is not desirable on the lip. You will need to take a course of 6-7 sessions with an interval of 5 weeks. Laser hair removal in the area of ​​the upper lip is painless, time is 5 minutes. The result will be after 3 sessions. After 1 Sens hair growth will slow down, and after 3 stops, but it is necessary to pass all 6-7 sessions for absolutely accurate cessation of growth of hair on the upper lip, forever.

Laser hair removal faq

   11. Question: Tell me: I take vitamins for growth and improvement of hair on the head, if I do laser hair removal on the legs, will it or hair due to the action of vitamins will grow everywhere and more thick?

Answer: Your fears are unfounded. The drug improves the growth of hair on the head, so you can safely take vitamins for hair growth on the head and take a course of laser hair removal on the body, the result is excellent. Hair on the legs very well cease to grow under the influence of laser hair removal.

    12. Question: Tell me! I want to, but very afraid to stop the growth of hair by laser hair removal in the area of ​​the armpits, because there are located lymph nodes, laser hair removal can suddenly as it hurt?

  Answer: You should not have worried, laser hair removal is absolutely harmless, laser hair removal beam rejuvenates the skin during the procedure of laser hair removal, as well as disinfects. The laser beam is applied only to the hair follicle itself, stopping the supply of hair follicles, so hair growth at the site of laser treatment is stopped. Prior to the lymph nodes location laser beam does not reach. Laser hair removal is carried out in the armpits gives very good results, the hair growth stops, reduces odor and sweating.

    13. Question: Can I do laser hair removal if a lot of moles on your body?

Answer: Moles is not a contraindication for laser hair removal. Before you start doing laser hair removal doctor carefully examine you and your moles, birthmarks if will not malignant, then if you wish you can remove the laser during a laser hair removal procedure, and if the doctor will arise in any doubt or suspicion of malignant moles, then you will be assigned to pass tests, after the result will be to discuss the plan further removal of moles or continuation of the course of laser hair removal without removing moles. In any case we will help you.

    14. Question: I would like that to the hair on the back are smaller and grow slower. How effective is laser hair removal for men?

Answer: Laser hair removal for men is just as effective as that of women. It is desirable that hair growth during laser hair removal does not exceed 1-3 mm., But if you do not have this capability, our beautician will remove the excess length of the procedure of laser hair removal. Hair growth stops after 3 treatments, but to achieve a good result will need 5-6 treatments at intervals of 5 weeks, then 1 per year. Such a scheme of laser hair removal treatments you will achieve complete cessation of hair growth in the area of ​​the back.

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