Advanced laser hair removal forever: a review of modern methods of hair removal "in perpetuity"

 Advanced laser hair removal forever: a review of modern methods of hair removal "in perpetuity"

Advanced laser  hair removal - is the complete removal of hair with hair follicles. This procedure is usually more painful than waxing - removing the visible part of the hair.

However, the effect of most methods of hair removal, not to mention a depilatory lasts for as long as we would like. In the second half of the twentieth century, scientists began searching for beauticians and long-term technology (ideally infinite) hair removal. To date, there are several technologies that are not simply remove hair, but also destroy the follicles. However, the process is quite long.

Why one session is not enough?

Advertising promises fast and, most importantly, stable result. To properly plan expenditures of time and money, you need to understand how hair grows. Everyone has heard about the hair follicles from which the hair grows. But few people know that the follicles are in one of three states: 1) the active phase of growth - anagen,2) the transition phase - catagen,3) resting stage - telogen.

Any type of hair removal only affects the hair follicles in the active growth phase. Their body from 5 to 20%. All stages of growth each follicle passes on average two years. This means that the full course of a lifetime of hair removal will take about the same time. Need 6 to 12 sessions - depending on individual circumstances.

Advanced laser  hair removal 

Electrolysis - the destruction of the hair bulb direction of the electric current.

Current destroys the follicles and their effectiveness is not dependent on the color and the hair thickness. The cost of this procedure is lower than laser hair removal or.

But there are also some disadvantages. It's pretty painful method, and reception of painkillers can lead to increased growth of hair. Electrolysis session requires a lot of time. The result is highly dependent on the skill of the expert. For example, in the UK and France to conduct independent procedures not allowed specialists without work experience less than five years. Possible complications: scarring, inflammation, spots on the skin. Electrolysis can not be performed in the presence of any metal implants in the body, from dentures to the IUD.
Electrolysis. Review of the procedure

Laser hair removal - is the method of destruction of the hair follicle with a laser beam.

Review of laser hair removal or Operation "Goodbye razor!"

Advanced laser  hair removal  - similar to laser hair removal technology, but instead of the laser used krypton lamps, reminiscent of the flash.Epilation bikini. 

These are two of the fastest method of hair removal. For example, the processing of the upper lip takes only 2 minutes, bikini - 5-10 minutes. Modern devices and laser hair removal cool the skin during the procedure, reducing pain and preventing the risk of burns.Advanced laser  hair removal  can simultaneously affect follicles located at different depths.

But these progressive methods have drawbacks. Both types of hair removal are not effective for gray or blond hair too. The perfect combination - very dark hair on very light skin. Photo and laser hair removal (except diode laser) are not applicable on tanned skin. For the complete disposal of hair need to go through a long and expensive course. There are numerous contraindications to health.

The successful combination of several strategies to combat excess hair: photo, laser and electrolysis, is a technique Advanced laser hair removal. It consists in the simultaneous action on the hair follicle and light current, whereby the excess vegetation disappears on the treated area permanently. In the salons of such a procedure is usually carried out in stages 4-10.

This hair removal is considered to be a safe and painless. Another advantage: Advanced laser  hair removal removes light, gray and vellus hairs. Disadvantages - high cost (at the level of photographic and laser hair removal).

Enzyme hair removal - a combination of chemical agents with Enzyme hair removal waxing. Specific enzymes, enzymes destroy follicles and hair removed with wax. This procedure is relatively inexpensive and gives good results.

Among the shortcomings - the risk of an allergic reaction, pain (at waxing), the risk of pigmentation of the skin in contact with UV light at the treated area after the procedure. Enzyme hair removal can not be performed on the face. Since enzymes destroy the follicle slower than a laser beam or a flood of light, the rate of enzyme hair removal will require more sessions.

And do not trust store that offers excellent results quickly and for little money: money saved is unlikely to be enough to restore health.

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