Laser hair removal - that offers modern cosmetology?
First of all I want to do some classification methods for removing "unnecessary" hair. This - waxing and hair removal. By waxing should be understood temporary hair removal, are above the skin: shaving, depilatory creams, hair removal and waxing elektro depilatorom, or as it is called, bio epilyatsiya. Among the aforementioned methods, the latter considered to be the most effective because the effect smooth and shiny skin longest - from two to four weeks, and the hairs grow back again is not as rigid as aftershave.
Under epilation understand the full or temporary hair removal with the hair follicle or hair follicles. By modern methods of hair removal electrolysis belong and laser hair removal.
The latter is considered the most effective in the fight against unwanted hair. Unlike other methods, a laser can be achieved by the removal of about 70-85% of excess body hair, and the 30% that will grow, just grow in soft light fluff, which will not create discomfort.
The essence of this method is to use the energy of light, which, coming into contact with the skin, heats and destroys the cells that contain melanin.
Advanced laser hair removal |
Thus, the laser beam penetrates into the hair follicle and destroys it quickly. A special system instantly cools the skin, so do not feel even the slightest discomfort during the procedure.
The only drawback of this method is that the laser does not respond to the cells, devoid of pigment, therefore, can not affect the light and gray hair. There is also a possible complication is the emergence of burns if the procedure was not performed properly. To avoid this, you need to very carefully as to the choice of method of hair removal, as well as to the choice of a specialist, given his experience.
The results of advanced laser hair removal can be felt immediately after the procedure. According to the information, most ubiquitous methods of hair removal,The principle of operation of modern epilation devices is that their effects are aimed directly at the hair root - the hair follicle - with a view to further delete.
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collected American Academy of Dermatology, after the first procedure on the arms, legs and bikini area for a month grows about 55% of the previous amount of hair, a month after the second procedure 40% after the third, about 25%, and seven months after the fourth fifth and only up to 10% of the hair. But even the hairs that continue to grow, turn into fluff that does not create any discomfort. Cleopatra could only dream about it ...
This gradual destruction of hair predetermined by the fact that the laser beam affects only the hair follicle, which is in the growth stage. In this phase, the hair follicle receptors are most sensitive to the influence of external stimuli. And if you're somewhere ensure that a single session rid of unwanted hair permanently,
- Do not believe, because of this effect can be achieved only with the help of powerful radiation or X-ray irradiation. But it is better not to put undue experimentation on himself.
If you decide to make the procedure of advanced laser hair removal, it is necessary for 4-6 weeks prior to the session to give up all other methods of hair removal. It is possible to use only shaving. Also, because the laser beam affects cells with a sufficient amount of melanin, it is impossible for the sun tan or solarium for two weeks prior to the procedure.
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