How long does laser hair

How long does laser hair 

procedures as necessary to completely remove the hair?

Dermatology and Cosmetology - those areas in which rarely there are new methods to cure or eliminate the adverse effects. In this regard, it is laser hair removal has become a popular means of dealing with unwanted hair in men and women. 

Want to get high-quality, professional service and undergo procedures using the most modern equipment? To make an appointment in the Center of laser hair removal and cosmetology Still afraid and wondering? Do not know whether the procedure will wash to get rid of all the hair in unwanted places? Check out the material that has been prepared by the center, find out how many procedures you can completely remove unwanted hair!

How long does it take effect?

Laser hair removal - proven and reliable, effective and safe method in cosmetology, which will help for a long time, almost get rid of hair. Linked long-term effect of the procedure with a slowing of hair growth, which mark our Center patients after the first visit. With the passage of a course of treatment of a number of techniques from a specialist, you will be able to get rid of hair in unwanted places forever.

how long does laser hair 

If you go to Center of laser hair removal and cosmetology Still , you get a guarantee of effective and safe procedure, which does not entail complications or pain, which are so afraid of many patients. 

Due to the high professionalism of our employees each procedure laser hair removal - is clearly adjust the parameters set by hardware, constant monitoring by professional and reliable customer training Center for the procedure.

As necessary procedures to get rid of hair?

The required amount of laser hair removal procedures performed for maximum effect can be different depending on the body site and also on what the level of hormones in the body of the client. The average number of procedures vary in the amount of 3-8. if the level of the hormone responsible for hair growth in your body, upgraded, then it is likely that a couple of times a year you'll have to go back to the salon for repeat procedures.

Such a number of procedures required for the final and irrevocable farewell to "increased shaggy" as they say in the movie, it is necessary due to the fact that the power of the laser radiation is much more humane and safe for the patient. Currently remove hair "one stroke" only with use of X-ray irradiation, which is known, can lead to complete baldness, atrophy of the skin, dermatitis, and cancer.

Thus, laser hair removal, though will require you to more frequent visits to the Center of laser cosmetology and hair removal, but will allow painlessly, safely and effectively remove hair without dire consequences for your health.

Is there any chance that the procedure will not have the desired effect?

Of course, a certain probability of no result is possible. For example, laser hair removal is powerless before the light and gray hair, who are deprived of the main "target" laser systems for hair removal - cells melanin, which absorbs the energy sent by the laser, and stop hair growth.

In addition, the client get rid of annoying hair in unwanted places, Center of laser cosmetology and hair removal will help to remove and treat ingrown hairs. After 3-4 laser hair removal procedure the patient radically changes its appearance.

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