Laser hair removal before and after

Laser hair removal before and after

Before the procedure:

Prior to laser hair removal is required to fulfill certain requirements. In particular, it is impossible to tanning session, at least for three to four weeks. Do not take medicines that can increase the sensitivity of the skin to sunlight. Some of these drugs include sulfonamides and tetracycline antibiotics. If you have observed a strong tan, laser hair removal is better to go after the tan goes.

It is recommended that a few days before laser hair removal shave the hair on the treated area. If you have not been able to shave off the hair on one reason or another, it will make for you a beautician who will be using the trimmer before the procedure. The treated area should not contain himself for abrasions and cuts. You can not use self-tanning, use depilatories and waxing done on the treated area for three weeks before the procedure.

Laser hair removal is not carried out with the flu, a cold or acute herpes. Lactating and pregnant women as the procedure is contraindicated. In addition, laser hair removal is not carried out a tendency to the appearance of keloids or decompensated diabetes.

Laser hair removal

On the day of the start of treatment can begin prophylactic administration of drugs such as Zovirax Acyclovir or.

After the procedure

After the laser hair removal laser on the affected area may experience redness or slight swelling. Sometimes the skin there is a feeling similar to sun tanning. Side traces of laser hair removal in the form of a little red stick on the body is not more than three days, and may disappear after a few hours. Recommended to treat the surface epilate special gel or cream to complete disappearance of the consequences.

If laser hair removal is performed on a large area of ​​skin, then during the day can not be processed watering place. In particular, three days should refrain from visiting the pool, sauna or bath, playing sports. Cosmetics epilate applied to areas already on the next day after laser hair removal.

Thirty days after the procedure to avoid direct sunlight on the treated area. To avoid hyper- and hypopigmentation in the summer, after a laser hair removal is desirable to apply to the skin sunscreen protection factor which is within the SPF of thirty to fifty.

Seven to ten days after the procedure you may feel that the hair on the site is still growing, but it is a phantom sensation. The fact is that during this period the laser treated hair out of the skin begin independently naturally. It is worth noting that during the course of laser hair removal is not desirable to carry out electrolysis or waxing to avoid injury to the hair follicles.

If, after the procedure, the hair becomes thin and sparse, the subsequent laser hair removal is not necessary. If you want to achieve a stable result of a lifetime, you will need to spend four to six laser hair removal treatments.

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