laser hair removal buttocks
Laser hair removal buttocks is the most efficient and comfortable way to remove unwanted hair in the buttocks. Other methods often bring only discomfort and inconvenience and do not solve the problem.
General information:
This procedure represents the technological and safe way to remove unwanted hair using laser radiation. This method leads to the destruction of the follicle. This method is based on the absorption capacity of melanin, which is contained in large quantities in active follicles. They die first, but dormant follicles safely carry a cosmetology event.
After the first treatment effect lasts up to a month, and then hair growth resumes. For long-term effects need to undergo therapy, consisting of 4 - 8 procedures. Between them to be maintained in one-month interval. For each subsequent surgery is recommended to increase the time period for two weeks, because the hair growth slows down, and by the end of the course at all stops.
laser hair removal buttocks |
In the future, will be sufficient to pass the annual adjustment to your buttocks look attractive, and their skin was smooth and velvety.
The presence of cooling and analgesic applicators in the structure of the laser hair removal allows for the maximum comfort for the client and achieve a painless procedure. The action of these applicators consist in cooling the skin during exposure.
The process of the laser hair removal buttocks :Training
This cosmetic procedure requires some training. Experts strongly recommend to refrain from sunbathing for two weeks prior to irradiation. Should abandon epilirovaniya this area to avoid injury to the skin.
It is mandatory to abandon the use of antibiotics (especially tetracycline) and sensitizing drugs.
Three days before the session should stop using alcohol-containing cosmetics. On the day of the operation's target this area should be shaved.
Laser hair removal procedure buttocks:
This operation is short, and takes about 10 - 15 minutes. In rare cases, it can take up to half an hour. Its duration affect the structure of the individual characteristics of the hair, the color, as well as hormones. The procedure is completely painless, but sometimes it may be a burning sensation or warmth. This discomfort is eliminated by the use of anesthesia.
Rehabilitation period:
Upon completion of the operation usually do not spend any rehabilitation or restorative procedures. With the development of the skin after exposure to laser slight redness or irritation that zone moisturizing lotion or cream. About the occurrence of these phenomena do not worry, as this is quite adequate skin reaction to external stimuli.
The rehabilitation period is from 3 to 14 days. During this period, to avoid the appearance of a tan in the buttocks, use of sauna, swimming pool and sauna. Also prohibits the use of alcohol-containing cosmetics.
Indications and contraindications:
Indications for the implementation of this type of hair removal are:
ingrown hairs,unwanted hair growth,the presence of black points,irritation after shaving.
Contraindications, which prohibits the presence of this procedure are:
damage and skin diseases,infectious disease,endocrine disease,oncology,lactation and pregnancy,blood diseases.
In rare cases may occur following complications: folliculitis, allergies, hyperpigmentation and irritation.
Prices and clinics
Laser hair removal area of the buttocks can only be carried out by dermatologists or cosmetologists in specialized clinics and centers.
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