Laser hair removal light hair

Laser hair removal light hair

The cosmetic experts recently developed a unique form of hair removal "Nano - hair removal." This method consists in applying a special cream to the desired area of ​​the skin, the cream penetrates the hair follicle and gradually dissolves.

Undoubtedly, the "gold standard" for the removal of pigmented hair is laser hair removal on the diode laser  Light Sheer. A "gold standard" in the field of light hair removal to date throughout the world does not exist! That's why we use nano-technology hair removal, which is popular all over the world, based on its safety and efficacy. 

Nano- method is not perfect, but it gives results and many customers delighted with the effect. You need to try and see whether this method is suitable for you. Maybe Nano-Laser hair removal light hair is not enough, then the specialist will recommend this alternate method with laser hair removal. The experience of our doctors has shown that alternating procedures diode laser  Nano reaches the maximum high-quality results!

Advantages of this process:

 Suitable for any color hair,Quick and effective way,Removes even ingrown hairs,Instant results.

Laser light hair removal 

Record procedures:

Beautician mixes special agent with distilled water, then puts the resulting paste to the desired area of ​​the body. A few minutes later, a specialist cleanses the skin with a spatula from a cream and hair. After the procedure, you will cause the skin converter.
The procedure is quick and comfortable enough.

Resalt of NANO-Laser light hair removal and the required number of procedures

After the procedure, your skin will be smooth and soft, and the result is stored up to 2-3 weeks, provided that you have vellus hair.

Number of treatments:

If you want to remove unwanted hair forever, then you should take a course of treatments, from an average of 6 to 10, with an interval of about one month, it all depends on the density and structure of hair.Nano - hair removal effectively removes hair on any area of ​​the face and body.

Contraindications :

-Abrasions or wounds on the field of hair removal;Somatic diseases of the skin;Antibiotics Hair removal for light hair;Pregnancy and breast-feeding;Allergy;Cancer.

Preparation before Lase Light hair removal:

- Does not light up 2 weeks before the procedure;2 weeks before the session, do not pull hair;3 days before the procedure, do not rub the skin with an alcohol;Do not take antibiotics Nano epilatsiya reviews for 2 weeks prior to the procedure;

- Nano - hair removal performed on regrown hair.

After Laser light hair removal:

 2 weeks after epilation does not light;3 days after hair removal does not take a hot bath;3 days after the procedure, you can not use the swimming pool with chlorinated water, saunas and baths;3 days after the procedure can not be cleaned with an alcohol-based hair removal zone.

Rehabilitation period:

After completion of the hair removal, it may be a slight reddening, which extends over several hours. If you have done the procedure during the active sun, be sure to apply sunscreen with a high protection factor (at least 35 SPF).

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